Ketu Effects and Remedies

Vinay Grover
8 min readApr 6, 2021


In the serpent’s horn, Ketu represents the opposite node to Ketu. It is black and white in color. Its allies are Venus and Rahu, while its adversaries are the Moon and Mars. Kety has a life expectancy of 42 years. The planet Ketu is known as the bed. As a consequence, the bed given by in-laws after marriage is considered auspicious for the birth of a son, and the effect of Ketu can never be inauspicious as long as that bed in the home.

Ketu in 1st House: if Ketu is auspicious or advantageous in this home, the native will be hardworking wealthy, and content, but his progeny will still worry and bother him. He can be apprehensive about repeated transfers or trips, but they can still be delayed.

When Ketu is in the first house in a Varsha horoscope, a son or nephew may be born. It's quite possible that the trip would be lengthy. Ketu in the first house is often useful to the native’s father and or guru and induces Sun exaltation.

If Ketu is malefic in the first home, the native will have headaches. His wife will be suffering from health issues and would be concerned for their children. if the 2nd and 7th houses are all vacant, Mercury and Venus can provide negative effects. There will be both the father and the guru.

Ketu in 2nd House: Moon, Ketu’s opponent, is in charge of the second house. If Ketu is benefic in the second home, one will inherit paternal land. One must fly extensively, and his journeys are fruitful. Regardless of its location, Venus produces positive effects. The moon will produce unfavorable effects. it the sun is in the 12th house, one begins earning a living after twenty-four years and in content.

If Jupiter and Ketu are exalted in the second house. revenue would be in lakhs rupees. if Ketu is malefic in the second house, one must fly to dry areas. One cannot rest in one position and must go from one location to another. while the income is fine, so is the spending. as a result, the net income will be zero. if the moon or mars are in the 8th house, the native’s life will be cut short and he will face major problems until he is sixteen or twenty years old. if the 8th house is vacant, Ketu will manifest as a malefic.

Kety in 3rd house: Mercury and Mars, both Ketu's rivals, have an effect on the 3rd house. Number 3 will play a significant role in the native's life. If Ketu is benefic. in the third home, his children will be as well. The native would be a devout follower of god a gentleman. while Ketu is in the third house and Mars is in the 12th, the native will have a son before the age of 24. The son would be helpful to the native’s prosperity and survival. The native with Ketu in the third house is likely to get a career that required extensive travel.

If Ketu is malefic in the third home, the native would forfeit money in court. He and his wife/sister-in-law are divorced. if such an individual stays in a home with the main gate facing south, he would have major child-rearing issues. since such a native cannot say no to anything, he or she will still be concerned. He will face difficulties from his brothers and will be forced to ride in vain.

Ketu in 4th House: Moon rules the fourth house, which is ketu’s nemesis. If ketu is benefic in the fourth house, the native is decout and fortunate in his father and guru. Only after receiving the blessing of one’s guru is a son born to sich a native. The sun who is born enjoys a long life. This kind of native defers all of his choices to God.

Wehn the moon is the third or fourth house, the outcome is favourable. A native like this a stong advisor and would never run out of money, if ketu is malefic in this house, the native will be unwell, his mother will be distressed and peace will be lost. Diabets is a disease that can affect everyone. after thirty-six years, a son is born . A native like this has more daughter than sons.

Ketu in 5th House: Sun rules the fifth house. Jupiter has and effect on it as well. wheather jupiter, the Sun or the Moon are in the 4th, 6th, or 12th House, the native would have a good financial situation and five sons, After twenty four years or age, Ketu Becomes self beneficial. If Kety is malefic in the fifth house, the native will suffer from asthma. Ketu has a malefic influence before the age of five. Sons would not be able to survive. After the age of 24, one can begin to earn a living. For one’s sons, the native is unfortune.

Ketu in 6th House: Mercury rules the sixth house. Ketu in the sixth house is considered weak. THis is Ketu’s ‘Pucca’ House, Again the impact of ketu is determined by Jupiter’s composition. It yields positive results in terms of son. The native is an excellent advison.

If Jupiter is benefic the native will live a long life, his mother will be happy, and life will be peaceful. Ketu is benefic if any two of the male planets, namely Sun, Jupiter, and Mars, Are in good position.

If ketu is malefic in the sixth house, Maternal uncle will be harmed. THe native is forces struggle as a result of pointless journeys. People become rivals for no apparent cause. The local is affected with skin diseases. if the moon is in the second house, the native’s mother will die, and even his old age will be disturbed.

Ketu in 7th House: Mercury and Venus rule the 7th House. if Ketu is benefic in th 7th house.. the native would have the fortune of forty years at the age of 24. The income of a person rises in proportion to the number of children he or she has. The Enemise of the native are Terrifies of him. Wheather Mercury, Jupiter or Venus are present, the native will never be disappointed.

If Ketu is malefic in the 7th house, the native will be sick, make false promises, and be plagues by enemies until the age of 34. If there are many panets in lagna, one’s children would be killed. when a native is abused, he or she is killed. If Ketu is with Mercury, the Native’e Enemies are killed by themselves after 34 years of age.

Ketu in 8th house: Mars rules the eighth house, which is ketu’s rival. If ketu is benefic in the eighth house, the native has a son at the age of 34, or after the marriage of one’s sister or daughter/ Ketu does not produce malefic effects if Jupiter or Mars are not in the 6rh or 12 house. When the moon is in the second house. it has a similar influence.

If ketu is malefic in the eighth house. the native’s wife will be sick. A son may or may not be born. Diabetes or a urinary condition may be present in the native. If saturn or mars are in the seventh house, the native would have bad luck. in the case of malefic Ketu in the eighth house, the native’s character decides his wife’s wellbeing. Family life struggles after the age of 26.

Ketu in 9th House: Jupiter rules the 9th house, which favours ketu. Ketu in the ninth house is taught to be exalted. A native like this is both oedient and fortunate. It raises one’s net worth, but no transfer will be made. If one holds a gold brick in his home, riches will follow.

A native’s son has the ability to see the future. one spends a significant portion of his time in a foreign country. If one has at least three sons and the second house is favourable, Ketu can provide outstanding results. If the Moon is fortunate, the native will support his mother’s kin. If Ketu is malefic in the 9th Hosuse , the native would have kidney issues, back pain, and leg problems. The native’s son continue to die.

Ketu in 10th house: Saturn rules the tenth house, THe essence of Saturn influences Ketu’s impact here. If Ketu is favourable in this place, the native is fortunate, self-centered, and opportunistic.

His father passes away at a young age. If Saturn is in the sixth house, one is a well known player. If one continues to forgive his brothers for their wrongdoing, the native will continue to advance.

If a native’s character is strong, he can amasss a large sum of money. If Ketu is malefic in the 10th house. one would have urinary and ear problems. The native suffers from bone trauma. If Saturn is the 4th House. Domestic life is full of worries and difficulties. Three of his son will perish.

Ketu in 11th House: Ketu is highly regarded in this region. It bestows money. Jupiter and Saturn also have and effect on this house. If Ketu is benefic in this house and Saturn is the third, it will bring immense riches. The native wealth is greater than his parental wealth, but he is concerned about his future. If Mercury is in the third house, Raj Youa is the result.

If Ketu is malefic in this region. the native will have issues with his abdomen. The more he talks of the future, the more troubled he gets. If Saturn is also malefic, The native;s grandmother or mother dies. THere will be no income from the son or the house in that case.

Ketu in 12th House: here, Ketu is regarded as exalted. The native is affluent, holds a high place, and invests in charitable endeavours. If Rahu and Mercury are both in the 6th house, the effect is amplifies. One has all life’s advantages and luxuries.

If ketu is malefic in the 12th house, one purchases land from an issuless local, and the native becomes issuless as well. if one murderes puppies, Ketu brings bad luck. If the Moon, Venus, or Mars are in the second house, Ketu is a malefic.


One should Purchase Ketu Shankh every day and worship it for 40 days continuously by using Rudraksh Mala 108 times and fill up the Shankh with White Till (white sesame seed) and afloat it in running water in river or sea every day or the same procedure one should follow every Wednesday and Saturn for full sex months for best results in their life to resolve their problem regarding in their horoscope.

Manta Chanting used for worshipping by using Rudraksh Mala for Ketu


ऊँ स्रां स्रीं स्रौं सः केतवे नमः।।

Note:- Mantra Pronunciation should be crystal clear… If an affected person can’t go daily for a floating of conch then one should accumulate the conches and flat them together in running water.

This auspiciour procedure should start from shukalpash of first Wednesday and Saturday and it should end on last Saturday of sukalpaksh.



Vinay Grover

Vinay Grover | Blogger, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist | Insights, motivational quotes, and personal experiences. Follow for wisdom and inspiration.