Manglik Dosh or Mangalik Dosh or Mangalik
Mangalik is a common word today. But who is Manglik, astrologically or what is Manglik Dosh not known to the common man? However, nearly all believe this myth. During Matchmaking of Horoscope/Kundli or Boy and Girl before Marriage, people consult Pandit Ji, which results in rejection of the most agreeable match of Boy and Girl and mental pain to love birds and Families. Nothing is found in any classical text about Mangalik Dosh. Even Astrologers Don’t have an agreement on it.
Isn’t it surprising?
- If one of the Horoscope/Kundali of Boy/Girl has Mangalik Dosh the Other one will die after marriage.
- if in the above case, death will not take place there will be a lot of problems faced in the lifetime.
- ifa Girl is a Manglik and a boy is not a Manglik Girl is inauspicious even to her in-law. even in-laws may also die.
According to most of the Astrologers of present times if Mars occupies 1,2,4,7 8,12 Houses from the Ascendant, Moon, or Venus Chart then native is a Mangalik Dosh. According to them, this is because if Mars is in.
1st House: this being Natural Malefic affects the brain & makes a person aggressive.
2nd House: this is the main house of speech and family. the presence of Mars is not desired here.
4th House: this being the prime house of home, the presence of Mars is also not desired.
7th House: This being the prime house of Marriage, Mars's presence is also not desired here.
8th House: this being the prime house of “in-laws and “death”, the Presence of Mars is not desired.
12th House: this is the prime house of Death & Bed Pleasures.
in a Horoscope Native will be considered a Mangalik in the Following Cases:
To conclude the above statement on Manglik as explained by Astrologers:
A Native is a Manglik if Mars occupies 1,2 4,7,8,12 Houses from the ascendant, Moon, or Venus i.e. if Mars is in the 7th house out of 12 houses then a Native has Manglik Dosh. it implies that 50% of the population of the world must be Mangalik. All positions are to be seen from the ascendant. Moon & Venus. This means we have to see the Dosh from three positions therefore there would hardly be a person “NON-Mangalik” on earth. Even if a person has been declared a Mangalik the answer is that the combination is bad. But what basis going to happen is not known. Good /Bad/Maleficance/Beneficence are comparative statements, we should know what event is going to happen in various combinations in the Horoscope. Horoscope Chart Should be analyzed as a whole not just based on one factor or the other.
Is it not surprising that Mangalik Dosh applies only to Hindus!